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  • Games Workshop Warhammer 40k Xenos Drukhari Archon

Warhammer 40k Xenos Drukhari Archon

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This 11-piece plastic kit makes one Archon clad in Kabalite armour inscribed with runes. The Archon carries a husk blade and splinter pistol, while the cloak of skin and the trophy rack mounted upon his pack proudly display his bounty

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The Archons are the masters of the Drukhari Kabals. Regal and monstrous in equal measure, each wields the power to enslave worlds and destroy civilisations. Archons have fed upon the pain of so many others that it takes true atrocity to invigorate them, so they must lead ever more raids against realspace.

This 11-piece plastic kit makes one Archon clad in Kabalite armour inscribed with runes. The Archon carries a husk blade and splinter pistol, while the cloak of skin and the trophy rack mounted upon his pack proudly display the bounty of horror he has reaped in battle.